Videos & Downloads


Imaging provides an extraordinary capability to see and quantitate drugs and cells in multiple tissue compartments in vivo but it can be complex with a wide range of imaging modalities and techniques. Below are some short videos demonstrating our powerful imaging capabilities.

Video fly-through of spine treated with ceramic “putty” to provide scaffold for new bone spinal fusion.
SPECT/CT image of human tumor (red) imaged with Tc-99m VEGF peptide.
4D example of dynamic molecular imaging in a preclinical animal study.

Company Overview & Capabilities

Company Overview

Learn more about BioLaurus, and how a molecular imaging CRO can help you meet your research goals.

Molecular Imaging Capabilities

Review our capabilities, including mouse to NHP, assay development, and more.

NHP Services

BioLaurus offers support for your needs requiring Non-Human Primate studies.

Study Examples & Presentations

SOT Poster Presentation

BioLaurus was part of a Poster presentation with Ionis Pharmaceuticals, at SOT (March 2017), describing liver and splenic clearance of platelets in NHPs, post-treament.